Brand Comparison

Ruud Water Heater Reviews & Comparison

In our Ruud water heater reviews, we rate and compare their models and ranges of electric, gas & tankless water heaters to help you choose.

by Ian Haynes

Having hot water when you need it at home is helpful for a lot of reasons. When it takes too long to get warm at the tap or doesn’t get hot at all, it may be time to replace your water heater. 

This article will take a close look at the Ruud water heater brand and review, rate, and compare the models. We will also look at troubleshooting tips, where to buy, and find out if Ruud is the right brand for you. 

ruud logo

Ruud as a company has a very storied history, started by Edwin Ruud over 100 years ago with a focus on HVAC and plumbing supplies for homeowners across the country.

Ruud also invented the first gas-fueled water heater for residential use. 

As the company grew, the innovation, quality, and advancements grew as well. Today, the water heater division produces some of the most reliable and recognizable models on the market.

With product lines for residential, commercial, and industrial markets, there is something for everyone. 

Why Is Ruud So Popular? 

Ruud is one of the most recognized brands because of its longevity in the business and great customer care. These water heaters offer a lot of options which we outline below.  

Wide Variety of Sizes 

Ruud offers water heaters in several different sizes, both in capacity and physical size. So whether you need a full-sized whole-home unit or an under-the-sink mount, Ruud has you covered.

Their sizes and options aren't the most extensive selection out there, but it covers the basic needs for most situations. 

Energy Star Certified 

Ruud also has more Energy Star certified units than most other brands and even has more certified models than some brands have models in total.

With Energy Star ratings, you know you are saving as much money as possible while getting the most out of your water heater. 

Safety Features 

Safety features are important anytime you are dealing with water and electricity or natural gas lines. With Ruud, you have little to worry about as every aspect of the system is monitored and covered.

With gas sensors, leak detectors, and temperature controls, your system will shut down to remain safe or alert you to a problem should it arise. 

Lengthy Warranty 

Warranty coverage is also important for water heaters. With some of the shortest life expectancy of all plumbing systems in the home, a 6-year minimum should be expected.

With Ruud, you get much more than that. We will dive into the Ruud warranty later on. 

Available Ruud Water Heater Types & Ranges 

Ruud controls every aspect of the manufacturing process, from the raw materials to final product assembly.

Everything is done in-house, and they produce the types of water heaters you need, whatever that need may be. Let’s take a look. 

Electric (Whole House) 

The electric lineup from Ruud water heaters is one of the most extensive in the entire industry. From light-duty models to large volume capacities, Ruud has you covered.

For the electric tanked models, you will find everything from under cabinet 2 gallon sizes to multi-family 2500 gallon sizes for commercial and industrial needs. 

Gas (Whole House) 

The gas-fueled models range from 30 gallons to over 100 gallons and come with natural gas and propane/LP capabilities.

With multiple safety sensors and flexible venting options, you will get exactly what you need in a reliable tank that fights corrosion and leaking for years to come. 


Ruud also offers tankless models, which are growing in popularity because of their ease of use, high flow rates, and efficiency with Low-NOx gas models and highly efficient electric models.

With simple installations, the small on-demand water heaters are durable, reliable, and long-lasting. 

Stand Out Features Of Ruud Hot Water Heaters 

Ruud has a history of being innovative and bringing new features to their products. Below are some of the more important features that make the brand stand out. 

Low NOx Designs 

The tanked and tankless gas models feature Low-NOx emissions standards that far exceed regulations.

Not only are any fumes kept inside the combustion chamber, but external ignition sources are sensed and detected. If these sensors go off, the pilot light and heating will shut down to prevent fires or damage. 

Piezo Lighter

Piezo push-button igniters are the gold standard for such devices. These make lighting your pilot light as simple as pushing a button and require no matches or lighters.

When you need to shine your pilot light, you just press and hold the button for a few seconds, and everything is handled internally.  

Brass Drain Valve 

Drain valves are one of the weakest links on a water heater system.

Not only do they install through the inner and outer tanks, but they also maintain contact with the water, minerals, and deposits, aiding in their possible corrosion or leaking.

Ruud’s solid brass drain valves prevent leaking and corrosion and are smooth to operate. 

Self Cleaning System 

The dip tubes, nozzles, and flow of the system keep the water moving constantly. This disrupts the minerals and sediment that accumulate in water heater tanks and prevents them from settling.

By self-cleaning, you get longer life and more even heating of the water inside. 

Foam and Fiberglass Insulation 

Where most brands will use a foam insulation between the inner and outer tanks, Ruud uses a foam and fiberglass mesh.

This mixture helps prevent heat loss between the tanks and keeps the build structure solid and secure. 

Because the outer tanks are also made from Polyethylene plastic, the entire units are lighter, cost less to manufacture, and prevent heat loss to the outside much better than traditional builds.

The foam and fiberglass insulation adds definition and support for both tanks. 

Ruud Hot Water Heaters Reviewed 

Ruud manufactures a lot of different models set across several different lineups. Industrial and commercial water heaters are available, and the lineup or series names aren't any different than the residential ones. 

However, for the purposes of this review, we will only cover the residential side of the series. We will also break them down by fuel category and capacity (electric, gas, or tankless). 

Electric Tanked Models 

The residential electric tanked models from Ruud come in three series lineups.

The first is the more budget-friendly Professional Achiever Series.

These models will come with the standard safety features you need, including the brass flow valve, overheat and thermal shutoff protection, and the glass-lined tanks with fiberglass and foam insulation. 

You will also find three different styles here, including the standard tall tanks, squat point of use tanks, and table-top models.

ruud tanked water heater

With ranges from 2.5 to 55 gallons, they will meet most single-family home needs. However, note that the table-top model is only available in 40-gallon capacities. 

The next step up is the Professional Achiever Plus Series. These are exactly the same as the previous models, with two exceptions. First, they are only available in standard tall tank design with 40, 50, and 55-gallon capacities. 

Second, they have built-in leak detection and WiFi for smart controls. You can get an app alert to let you know the hot water is about to run out, which is a nice addition. 

Finally, there is the Professional Ultra series, which also comes with the LeakGuard WiFi system and detection and allows for remote operation, temperature control, and premium-grade anode rods for longer life. 

There are also two models that are classified as Hybrid electric models. These come in 40, 50, 65, and 80 gallon options, have built-in WiFi like the Ultra series, and the difference between the two is one offers the LeakGuard system while the other does not. 

Ruud Electric Tanked Water Heaters 


2.5 - 55 Gal 

Heating Efficiency 

Up to 85000 BTU Input 

First Hour Output 

Average 87 Gallons 

Flow Rate 

Up to 154 Gallons Per Minute 


Polyethylene and stainless steel 

Installation Costs 

Average installation is about $1000 

Operating Cost 

Ranges from $14 to $38 per month 

Safety Features 

Over-temp control, thermal shutoff, automatic thermostat, LED display TPR valve 


6 - 10 years 

Gas-Fueled Tanked Models 

ruud triton

The gas-fueled models far outnumber the other categories and have a lot of variables to meet specific installation needs.

Venting, UEF ratings, and tank sizes are all accounted for. 

The Professional Achiever Series, for example, offers you standard, Low- and Ultra Low-NOx models, ranging in capacities of 29 to 50 gallons.

You will find atmospheric, power, and ducted venting options here as well.

Many of the power direct vent options also include an integrated self-diagnostic system that will help you locate and diagnose any issues that may arise.

The Professional Achiever Plus series, like the electric models, adds a few extra features.

Primarily you will get larger tank size options (up to 98 gallons), low-NOx and ultra Low-NOx emissions only, as well as push-button Piezo ignitions. 

One thing to note is that there is not a residential option for the Professional Ultra series.

Instead, these models are classified as Heavy Duty, offering thicker tank walls and more insulation, but are combined in the Achiever Plus series for ease of production. 

Ruud Gas Tanked Water Heaters 


29 - 98 Gal 

Heating Efficiency 

Up to 120000 BTU Input 

First Hour Output 

Average 97 Gallons 

Flow Rate 

Up to 132 Gallons Per Minute 


Polyethylene and stainless steel 

Installation Costs 

Average installation is about $1200 

Operating Cost 

Ranges from $23 to $41 per month 

Safety Features 

Over-temp control, thermal shutoff, automatic thermostat, LED display TPR valve, emissions sensors 


6 - 10 years 

Tankless Models 

The tankless models are all residential installation only, so you won’t have any commercial or industrial sizes here. 

Instead, you get simple to mount and install tankless water heaters that come in either standard or condensing types.

You will also find that all of the different models are a part of the Professional Ultra series, so there aren't any budget models listed here. 

ruud tankless

Instead of a tank capacity, you read sizes or capabilities as GPM flow-through. In that regard, you will find ranges from 8.4 to 9.5 GPM with both indoor and outdoor mount styles.

All of these models are also highly efficient, with a minimum of 0.93 UEF rating. 

These models are pretty feature-rich and come with water-saving options that you can enable during install. These settings can save you the use of up to 1100 gallons of water per year, reducing your water consumption costs. 

If you need to install a recirculating pump, all models are capable and come ready for the pump attachment. It is also optional, so bypass of the pump install is also permitted without worry. 

Freeze protection, low clearance (only 1/2-inch side-to-side clearance needed), and overheating film wraps are also included on every model.  

Ruud Tankless Water Heaters 

Heating Efficiency 

093 UEF average 

First Hour Output 


Flow Rate 

Up to 203 Gallons Per Minute 


Polyethylene and stainless steel 

Installation Costs 

Average installation is about $1400 

Operating Cost 

Ranges from $11 to $52 per month 

Safety Features 

Over-temp control, thermal shutoff, automatic thermostat, LED display, Overheat film, Maintenance alerts, digital remote 


Up to 15 years 

Where Can You Buy Ruud Water Heaters? 

Ruud water heaters are sold primarily through dealers and contractors. As a wholesale corporation, this ensures that you get the right product with the right parts for your specific needs. 

You can find a contractor with our partnered app with Networx, or call around to find out which suppliers in your area carry Ruud. Another option, if you don’t mind slightly older models, is to shop on Amazon. 

With Amazon and similar sites, you can find year old or two year dated models still new in the box. Many retailers will have leftover stock and sell through these sites directly to consumers.

You can also use the “Find a Contractor" link on the Ruud website to get results from dealers and service providers they work with directly. 

Ruud Compared To Other Hot Water Heater Brands 

Ruud is a great company with a long history, but how well do they compare to the competition? We put Ruud up against Rheem, Bradford White, and State to find out. 

Ruud Vs Rheem 

Rheem may be Ruud’s biggest competitor overall. The two companies rival each other in almost every category, and it can be difficult to pick between them.

However, for water heaters, the choices are a little more clear. While both Rheem and Ruud manufacture all types of water heaters, each one has its own specialty.

For Ruud, that specialty is in the tanked models. With electric, gas, and hybrid models using state-of-the-art technologies to pull ahead of Rheem. 

However, Rheem tankless water heaters take the edge over Ruud.

The tankless market has all but been cornered by Rheem, and if you are looking for the largest selection, most advanced operation and best flow-through, Rheem is the answer. 

If, however, you want a tanked model and want highly efficient, well-built units, Ruud is the go-to here. 

Ruud Vs Bradford White 

Bradford White water heaters are known for their durability, premium quality, and long life. As one of the top two companies in the world when it comes to heating water, Bradford White has little competition. 

The main problem for the brand, though, is that with premium quality comes premium prices, and not everyone can afford to have a Bradford White in their home.

When budget is not a concern, or you have saved up to get the very best, Bradford White is a solid option. Their products have all of the technologies and advancements you would expect. 

For the rest of us, though, Ruud makes a great product that is also reliable, durable, and lasts a long time. The price tag is a lot smaller in most cases, though, and the product line selection is very similar.  

Ruud Vs. State 

State water heaters are interesting as a brand. As a subsidiary of AO Smith, another premium company, State can afford to branch out a bit, and they have done just that. 

Using AO Smith components in their higher-end models and still maintaining a budget-friendly production line, State is poised to be one of the stand out brands of the future. 

Compared to Ruud, State has a slight edge on cost and installation fees. They also have more models and can branch out into alternative fuel and power sources as the need arises.

Ruud is more focused on more traditional technologies, and they excel in that area. 

However, if you need to save a little more money and don’t mind shopping around for the right model, State could be a viable answer.

On the other hand, the more readily available Ruud line offers a more robust aftermarket for replacement parts and DIY repairs, while still keeping costs low. 

Installing A Ruud Hot Water System: How Much Does It Cost? 

Installation costs of a Ruud water heater are something that is difficult to pinpoint if you're not installing it yourself. There are a lot of factors involved that start with the water heater itself.

In most cases, an electric unit is less expensive to install than a gas-fueled model, but that will also depend on the existing framework and where the install takes place. 

You also have to factor in contractor fees, which can vary from about $15 to $60 per hour, unit costs, clean-up fees, and even service calls, delivery, and other "hidden" fees. 

All in all, though, with Ruud, the numbers are about the industry average. This means you can have a Ruud water heater installed in your home for the average price range of $800 to $1200. 

The best option is to contact a few local professionals in your area that deal with Ruud water heaters and get your estimates. Our partner, Networx, offers a free tool to help you find the right contractors. 

Each result is thoroughly vetted for licenses, insurance and rated, reviewed, and compared. You will also only get local results for pros in your immediate area. All that’s left is to make a phone call to set up a quote or estimate visit. 

Water Heater Maintenance Tips 

One thing about a water heater is that they are easy to neglect. Unless something goes wrong and you no longer have hot water at the faucet, we tend not to think about our water heaters.

However, annual maintenance is simple to do and can prolong the life of the machine. 

Flushing a tankless or tanked water heater is relatively simple and can be done by most homeowners. For tanked models, you need to connect a garden hose to the drain valve, run the hose outside the home or to a large drain (such as your bathtub) and open the drain valve. 

You want to drain ½ to 2/3rd of the tank to remove any sediment or deposits inside the tank. Make sure the cold water inlet valve is off before you begin. 

Aside from this annual process, you will also want to keep an eye on your anode rods.

These are the metal rods that are designed to corrode away, so the minerals and sediments in the tank and water don’t eat at the lining of the tanks. Replace the rods when they are worn down to help prevent future issues. 

For all troubleshooting and diagnostic issues, you need to check on your warranty status first. If your unit is in warranty, it is best to call a professional for diagnosis and repair so you won't have to pay as much.

However, if your unit is no longer in warranty or the issue is not covered, there will be a Ruud troubleshooting guide in the back of your owner’s manual. 

What Kind Of Warranty Can You Expect? 

The warranties offered by Ruud are some of the best in the business. Each model will have a specific warranty coverage term. This term can range from 6 to 10 years (and in the case of tankless models, up to 15 years). 

The coverage includes all non-replaceable parts (anode rods, thermostats, etc.), manufacturer's defects, and leak, element, and temperature sensors.

Labor and installation coverage is not included, though. This coverage should come from your professional installer. 

To register your product and check on the warranty status, you need to visit the Ruud warranty website and input your model-specific information.

You will need your serial number located on the ID sticker on the front of every water heater. 

Buying Ruud Replacement Parts 

From time to time, things will go wrong. Some of these are by design. For example, the anode rods are made to disintegrate and corrode so the inner tank doesn't. These parts need to be replaced. 

Other parts do fail but not by design, such as thermostats, elements, and even dip tubes. When a problem does arise, most of the issues are a quick DIY replacement.

The pilot igniter and thermocouple, for example, only take a few minutes to replace and, in most cases, don't require more than the removal of a few screws. 

The hard part may be in diagnosing what is wrong, and if your water heater is still in warranty, it is best to have it checked out by a professional.

If, on the other hand, you know what is wrong, you can find replacement parts through the Ruud website or 3rd party vendor sites like Amazon. 

It is crucial, however, that you know your model number and part number (if it has one) so that you ensure you get the correct part for your particular heater. 


How long do Ruud water heaters last? 

Ruud water heaters are designed to last a minimum of 8 years.

Warranty coverage ranges from 6 to 10 years, and with a well-maintained system, it is not uncommon to see Ruud water heaters in service, working fine and at full capacity up to 15 or more years later. 

How do I determine the age of my Ruud water heater? 

There are three ways to tell the age of your Ruud water heater, and all of them require you to know the serial number. The first is the old style of water heaters (prior to 2001).

When looking at the serial number, you want to pay attention to the 3rd and 4th digits; this will tell you the year of manufacture.

The second is for models after 2001, where the actual date is listed to the right of the serial number as well as encoded in the first 4 digits of the number. 

Finally, you can go to the Ruud website and enter your serial number to get the exact age, date of manufacture, and other information. 

What is the Ruud customer service number? 

Ruud customer support is available from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm CST and can be reached by calling 1-800-621-5622. For technical assistance or sales and marketing, the contact information is on the Ruud contact page. 

Where are Ruud water heaters manufactured? 

Ruud’s main production plant is in Fort Smith, Arkansas. However, the water heater division primarily produces and manufactures the units out of their plant in Kalamazoo, Michigan. 


Ruud water heaters are advanced, state of the art, innovative, and affordable. With multiple sizes to meet your residential needs, they also offer commercial and industrial water heaters. 

For your home, you have choices in power sources, capacities, flow rates, and even if you want a tank or tankless model.

The reliable service, dependable construction, and high-quality parts make Ruud one of the most popular brands in the business. 

Ian Haynes is an expert writer who has successfully deployed over 500 plumbing pages and other related content. He has an excellent understanding of home plumbing issues and translates his experiences via Plumbing Lab so readers can have a better understanding of common household problems. Outside of his work, Ian likes exploring Brooklyn with his Labrador.
